Es vital que nos mantengamos informados con la data más reciente sobre el COVID-19, las variantes genéticas del virus SARS-CoV-2, efectividad de vacunas y tratamientos contra el COVID-19.
Estos son algunos buenos artículos científicos para comenzar:

COVID-19 Prolongado...
One pager informativo sobre el COVID Prolongado. Disponible para descargar. OP-LongCovid19-Rev02Download...

Health disparity and COVID-19-A retrospective analysis”: La relación entre las disparidades ...
Abstract Background and aims: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 75.7 million confirmed cases o...

Acute leukemia and SARS-CoV-S infection: clinical characteristics and risk factors for mortalit...
Abstract Patients with acute leukemia (AL) have a high mortality rate from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, ...

Cardiovascular considerations of Remdesivir and Favipiravir in the treatment of COVID-19”: Es...
Abstract After the outbreak of COVID-19, many novel drugs have been introduced to improve patients' condition. Remdesivir...

Characterization and Outcomes of Hospitalized Children With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Report ...
Abstract Objectives: Multicenter data on the characteristics and outcomes of children hospitalized with coronavirus dis...